Main responsibilities/主要职责和工作内容: 1. 根据不同品牌的模特,结合原型制作原理制版补正,构建基础版型; Create block pattern according to different brand model and build block archive; 2. 根据跟单提供的客户信息和评语,汇总整理,基于客人关注点,阶段性的对基础版型进行完善; Summary customer fit information and comments from merchandiser, adjust and improve the block pattern periodically based on customer concerns; 3. 根据各品牌现有规则,整理构建完善推码规则; Complete and perfect the grade rules according to the existing grade rules of each brand 4. 每天根据成品样衣fitting效果,发现问题,并给出调整方案; Identify problems based on the fitting effect of daily finished samples and propose solution 5. 对于打样进程中,对于版师不能解决的fitting问题,给予合理建议; Give reasonable suggestions for the fitting problems that cannot be solved by the responsible pattern maker in the sample making period 6. 与版师组长配合,新款开发时,指明对应之基础版型,供制版参考; Cooperate with pattern leader to create block pattern for making sample pattern reference when new style development coming 7. 同跟单、版师等能良好沟通,顺利解决制版中所遇到的问题; Good communication with merchandiser and pattern maker and solve the problem in pattern making 8. 积极配合及完成上级所安排事务,服从上级管理人员工作安排; Actively complete the affairs and obey the work arrangement arranged by the superior 9. 公司委派的其他任务。 Other tasks assigned by the company Requirements/任职资格: 1. 性别不限,高中以上学历,8年以上针梭织全品类、健身类及泳装类制版、推版工作经验,熟练使用Gerber 制版软件; No gender limitation, high school education or above, more than 8 year working experience in pattern making and grading of woven or knit whole style or sportswear and swimsuit products, skilled in Gerber pattern making software 2. 对上装和裤子有很好的版型概念,可以进行制版,对流行款式版型有敏感的触觉和深刻的理解,懂得如何通过版型完美的去诠释设计师的意图; Have a good pattern concept for jackets and pants and can make patterns; have a sensitive touch and deep understanding of popular styles’ patterns; well know how to interpret the designer's intention perfectly through patterns 3. 对服装类面料有一定的认识,能充分考虑到面料特性对外观效果、成衣尺寸影响,对如何合理调整纸样以达到最佳效果给予合理建议; Have a certain understanding of fabrics and can fully consider the influence of fabric characteristics on appearance effect and garment measurement, and give reasonable suggestions on how to adjust paper patterns properly to achieve the best effect; 4. 了解服装比例制图,服装原型制图和立体裁剪的一些情况并根据原理去判断尺寸的合理性,能清晰表达问题与版师沟通(实操指导等方法); Know the garment pattern manufacture methods of proportional distribution and block and three-dimensional cutting, judge the rationality of measurement according to the theory, and clearly express problem and well communicate with the pattern maker( and give practical operation guidance etc.,); 5. 熟悉使用WORD、EXCEL等办公软件; Excellent PC skills especially in Word and Excel 6. 执行力好,有良好的团队精神。 Good execution and team spirit

