英国惠灵顿公学(Wellington College)于1859年为纪念大不列颠最伟大的军事家并两度任英国首相的惠灵顿公爵而建立。2017年1月11日上午,英国惠灵顿公学正式签约入驻杭州,这是惠灵顿公学在中国继天津、上海之后开设的第三个分校区。
1. 负责家校沟通,确定家长和学生的升学期望和需求
2. 定期为学生家长举办互动式大学预科研讨会
3. 计划标准化考试、课外活动、学术和职业咨询
4. 建立小组和个人辅导以支持大学知识和理解
5. 提供升学申请指导,以确保提供优质的教育和成功录取学院和大学
1. 本科及以上学历,英语或教育相关专业;
2. 英文流利(雅思7分及以上),5年教育行业经验;
3. 5年及以上升学指导经验,有在校(双语/国际学校)经验者优先;
4. 美国、英国大学升学指导经验者优先;
5. 需有家校沟通经验;
4. 一名子女免费入学名额(3周岁起)
5. 工作日免费午餐,免费员工班车,节假日福利;
7.Lead 岗位每月额外allowance.
• Provide a complete and professional system for application consultation, including 3-year development plan, career planning and university application
• Supporting pupils and their families with university related decisions across the campus
• Assist students with applications mainly for universities in the British and United States and other countries, providing a world class university guidance service for our pupils and their parents
• Build up a standard system for the application guidance (the standardization of core application materials, plans for graduation system and English standard tests)
• Build relationships with universities as a means for general admissions questions, provide face to face sessions with our Wellington College community and other support
• Teach students how to raise questions, contact with admissions officers and create a good impression of Wellington and themselves to admissions officers
• During the application season, provide supplementary materials and other related follow-up issues for the applicants
• Keep abreast of the latest changes in university applications worldwide, including attending conferences where university guidance counsellors will be representing Wellington College professionally and upholding our values
• Develop and establish a guest speakers programme to inspire pupils with their higher education and career choices
• Advise pupils to take part in different extracurricular competitions and activities e.g. debating contest and MUN
• Provide opportunities for overseas study tours and social activities
• Be a communication bridge between the school and parents
• Organize application guidance workshops regularly for parents and answer related questions from the parents
• Set up and maintain a database to track the university destinations of alumni.
• Attend CPD opportunities as directed by the line manager
• Build and develop the careers programme across the campus
